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Legion of Mary

Legion of Mary

About Us

The Legion of Mary is the largest apostolic organization of lay people in the Catholic Church with well over three million active members in most countries all over the world.

In our parish, members meet together once a week on Saturday mornings after the 8:30 Mass in the St. Benedict Room in the Parish center for prayer, planning, and discussion in a family setting. All are invited.

New Praesidia at St Anthony Every Tuesday 10:15 am

Contact Kurt Nelson 727-514-2518

What is the Legion of Mary?

The Legion of Mary was first organized in Dublin, Ireland, on September 7, 1921.

In the first decade of its existence it consolidated itself in Ireland, England, Wales and Scotland. In the second, the Legion spread rapidly the through the United States, Canada, India, Australia and Africa. The third decade saw it span the length and breadth of Europe. Finally, the vast Spanish-speaking countries caught its contagious missionary zeal, so that the Legion now exists on all continents.

Today the Legion is organized in nearly all the dioceses throughout the world. The Handbook, the official guide in the hands of every active legionary, is printed in some thirty languages and its prayers are recited in over sixty. It is estimated there are about 5 million active and 12 million praying members throughout the world today.

Members become instruments of the Holy Spirit through a balanced program of prayer and service. United in faith with Mary’s love for Jesus, legionaries aim to recognize and serve the person of our Lord in all those whom they meet. The Legion seeks to work in close union with the priest, to whom it looks to for formation and spiritual guidance and for whom it aspires to be an effective apostolic instrument.

The Legion of Mary is open to all Catholics in good standing with a desire to serve Our Lord Jesus Christ through the intercession of his Blessed Mother Mary.

Reach out to our parish office at 706-632-5970.

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